Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Time to catch up... Thanksgiving

Since it is almost 2010, I figured it was time to put up a few pics from the past couple of months. I didn't really take any pics of Thanksgiving day, but here are a couple of Skylar with Gigi- her great Grandma on Ken's side. Ken's grandparents came into town for the holiday and Skylar got to spend some good time with them. She usually takes a little while to warm up to them since they live in TN and we don't see them that often, however she definitely remembered them this time- but made them work a little bit for the smiles and hugs.

Here she is with Gigi, examining the small "Christmas Trees" that Nana brought home- aka rosemary plants.
Here is Skylar and Gigi going through her flash cards- and the ever present Skylar "cheese" that she does whenever she sees a camera pointing in her direction... Most of our pics lately are of her cheesing with a mouthful of teeth and her eyes shut!

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