Last week we went on our first trip as a family of five. With our new sweet swaggerwagon with built in DVD system, it really wasn't a bad trip. Poor Wes still hates the car seat though and was completely hoarse by the end of the trip.
We went to Nashville, TN to celebrate Ken's youngest brother Joel and his fiance get married! Both Skylar and Grey were in the wedding, along with Ken, so I didn't get any pictures of the rehearsal, dinner, wedding or reception. :*( Boo. But the kids were adorable, Maddie was gorgeous, and Joel was handsome. It was a beautiful wedding.
On the way up there and back, we stayed a night at Gigi and Gpop's house to break up the drive. The kids loved staying there and had a great time on the two tire swings out back. Grey wanted "more higher" and Skylar wanted "no more pushing".
Kristen and Bill were our lifesavers of the trip. They, along with some friends of the family, helped Ken and I keep our sanity with the kids on the trip. They entertained both Skylar and Grey, who absolutely adore them, and Kristen was the one responsible for getting both kids to walk down the aisle during the ceremony. Not an easy feat.
Both Gigi and Gpop worked extra hard to feed us well while we were at their house, and made sure we had snacks for the journey. They even packed snacks to keep in their hotel room for anyone who wanted to stop by when they got hungry!
We learned that Wes is totally not a fan of loud, crowded places.
But, he was happy boy the rest of the time. Oh yea, except the 90% of the time we were in the car. :(
His favorite new trick: blowing bubbles.
Seriously, look at those arm rolls.
If you look closely, you can see Grey's pouty face.
And of course Ken had to try out the tire swing. "To make sure it's safe" and all.
Grey loves to talk about all of his boo-boos now, even days later, and his first words upon getting a bump is usually, "booboo bear!"
Technology was our friend on this trip, from the DVD player in the car to portable devices that played Netflix and other downloadable apps. Enter: Mama's phone.
And there's Gigi! She took a rare break and sat down to rock baby Wes. He's too heavy to hold standing up! Chunky!