Beware of long post with many pictures!
Christmas morning! The kiddos slept in until 9, so it was wonderful!
The stockings I made last year… I really like them, but they are pretty small and I would have to make another matching one for next year… so we might have all new ones next year??
Like father, like son. Hair-wise that is!
Grey wanted to show us everything out of his stocking.
We had to keep reminding him to look for more stuff because he was the king of distraction this year!
Have you ever seen someone so excited to get new undies!?!
Grey's favorite was the chocolate of course.
Skylar made sure that Toby and Sammy each had a stocking as well and they loved their new bones. They each grabbed one up and took off to hide and eat in peace.
Skylar wanted us to open the present she did for us (at school) first, so we opened that up. I loved getting artwork made by them!
Then it was time to open presents!
They both loved all of their presents! But Grey needed some extra convincing to keep opening up new presents since he just wanted to play with the ones he already opened. Perhaps that is a sign that we got them too much stuff??
He almost has it! He has been going around saying "cheese" and taking pictures of people.
He needed a quick recharge in the midst of opening presents!
After we opened presents, Dada helped them play with their new toys while Mama cooked breakfast and then we all got ready and headed over to Nana and Papa's house. We spent Christmas Eve with my family and I'm the doofus who forgot to take her camera. :*(
We got there and ate some lunch and Grey took a nap while Skylar watched cartoons… we waited for Bill and Kristen to get there before we dug into the presents.
Poor Emma got banished to the other room when Bill and Kristen brought their new dog Izzy.
Skylar and Grey were busy little beavers in the middle of all the adults. They were dancing around and throwing balls!
Skylar helped pick out all of the presents this year, including this beaver hat she got for G-pop. I'm taking bets now to see if he will ever wear it again!
We had a great Christmas and the kids are still loving their presents!